CompactGTL is the world’s leading small scale, modular Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) company providing an end to end solution to the problem of associated and stranded gas in old and gas field development.
Company history
CompactGTL’s unique technology for the successful conversion of synthesis gas into high-value liquids has its origin in research conducted at the UK Atomic Energy Authority laboratories at Harwell. The technology was spun out by private equity group in 2006 and management team bought into the company in 2013.
The company has since designed, constructed and successfully run two major gas-to-liquid (GTL) demonstration plants, one funded by Brazil’s Petrobras located in Aracaju, Brazil, and the second at Wilton in the UK. The company is now ready to enter the next phase of development, taking its prototype technology into production and exploiting the rapidly growing waste-to-liquid market.

Competitive advantage
Modular FT Technology
Catalyst Performance and Life
Ex-situ FT Refurbishment Philosophy minimises impact on operations and plant availability
Only Basic Utilities requirements/demands for FT Island
Diverse range of Products to suite market demands
CompactGTL organisational experience in design and operating of GTL facilities:
Proven and independently verified technology
- Only GTL company that has technology approval by independent oil company, Petrobras
- 6 years pilot and 3 years of demonstration scale operations